The twins are doing very well. They had their two month doctor appt. last Friday and it went well. I do have to say that I was so proud of myself for getting myself and the twins out of the house all by myself that morning and was actually on time! Now if I could only add Abby to the mix, I'd be fantastic. : ) Lauren weighed a whopping 8 lbs. 6oz. and was 20 inches long. To me she looks so chubby compared to the 3lbs. 15oz. when she was born. She was also two weeks past her due date at this weigh in and was only 2 oz. bigger than the day Abby was born! She looks great though and is still holding true to the "feisty" label. She also is off the apnea monitor. We are so excited to have a "cordless" baby!
Ethan weighed 7lbs. 6oz. and was 19.5 inches long. Smaller than sister but such a miracle that he continues to grow so well. They got their first round of vaccinations and the nurse had to go and get shorter needles for Ethan because his legs are still too tiny for all those shots! He also saw the cardiologist this week. He said as long as he continues to grow so well, surgery can still be put off six months or so. If he starts not to grow so well, we will have to reassess the situation. At the next appointment he will have a chest X-ray and Echo cardiogram to made sure everything is still stable. He thinks that they will do the catheterization sometime at the end of summer or early fall. Could be an overnight hospital stay and I am already nervous for that!
Abby is doing very well too! Someday she will kill me for announcing this but she went to the bathroom on the potty for the first time on Tuesday. So exciting!! We had definitely planned on having this part of toddlerhood behind us by this point but with all that is going on, it didn't happen. Plus, she still tells us she is not ready. She is also becoming quite the swimmer (I'm so proud) now that we have a swimming pool in the back yard. We so did not want the pool when we bought the house but now it is really nice having it. Poor Abby would hardly ever get to go swimming this summer if it weren't right there.
Abby also is such a great helper around the house with the babies and she just loves her "Eefan" and Lauren. She is a great mommy to her baby doll now too. It's too cute!
Gotta run, its feeding time!
Love, h
First car ride together...(notice no room for Abby, more on that later) 6-5-09